Life Is A Lemon
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:48 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Bat out of Hell II: Back into Hell
Song Author
Jim Steinman
File Size
113 KB
I _ want my _ mo ney _ back
I _ want my _ mo ney _ back
It's all or noth ing
And noth ing's all I ev er get
Ev 'ry time I turn it on
I burn it up and burn it out
It's al ways some thing
There's al ways some thing go ing wrong
That's the on ly guar an tee
That's what this is all a bout
It's a nev er end ing at tack
Ev 'ry thing's a lie and that's a fact
Life is a le mon and I want my mon ey back!
And all the mor ons
And all the stoo ges with their coins
They're the ones who make the rules
It's not a game it's just a rout
There's des pa ra tion
There's des pa ra tion in the air
It leaves a stain on all your clothes
And no de ter gent gets it out
And we're al ways slip ping thru the cracks
Then the mov ie's ov er fade to black
Life is a le mon and I want my mo ney...
I _ want my _ mo ney _ back
I _ want my _ mo ney _ back
It's al ways break ing in half
It's nev er built to real ly last
All the bat ter ies are shot
All the parts are out of stock
It's cor ro ded and de cayed
It's tat tered and it's frayed
They for got the war ran ty
It's a dead end street to me
It's a pack of use less lies
It's a crock and then you die
It's dead and bur ied in the past
You can shove it up your ass!!! _
I _ want my _ mo ney _ back
Life is a le mon
I _ want my _ mo ney _ back
Life is a le mon
Life is a le mon
It's all or noth ing
And noth ing's all I ev er get
Ev 'ry time I turn it on
I burn it up and burn it out
It's a nev er end ing at tack
Ev 'ry thing's a lie and that's a fact
Life is a lem on and I want my mon ey back
And we're al ways slip ping thru the cracks
Then the mov ie's ov er fade to black
Life is a le mon and I want my mo ney back _
Back _
Back _
Back _
Back _ _
It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located
throughout. The song is as accurate as it ever will be,
with only some of the last percussion fills missing a few
notes. It is also imperative to keep the Master Reverb
that you see to your right where it is, as this makes it
sound best. This was checked for accuracy by playing
along with the real track song. I hope it helps!